Stroptel, s.r.o.About us

STROPTEL, s.r.o. has been on the market for more than 20 years. It was established in 1995 by the English company Telspec Europe Ltd. to manufacturer transformers supplied to other companies inside the Telspec plc. group and to complete, sell, maintain and install Telspec Plc. telecommunications equipment in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Management bought out the company in January 2001 from its parent company and renamed it Stroptel. Modernisation of the manufacturing line, the establishment of a dedicated development department and expansion of the customer base from telecommunications and into other industrial sectors followed. STROPTEL’s products are currently used in the electronics industry, the car industry, the medical industry, in lighting equipment and in consumer electronics.

STROPTEL currently employs a staff of 95 people.

The company has 2000 m2 of manufacturing space.

Company turnover is € 5 mil.

Company equity is € 2,3 mil.

Our customers range from large global companies to smaller, local manufacturers.

Per their specific conditions, we only provide a list of our customers and their evaluations of our company upon request. Our strategic advantages include flexibility, quality, competitive prices and our location in Central Europe.

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